Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ann Coulter on Donny Deutsch

After watching "White Girl" by the BBC on YouTube, this headline caught my eye:

Ann Coulter wants Jews "to be perfected" from the Donny Deutsch show

I rarely swear, but this is warrant enough for a "W-T-F!"

Quotes from the clip:
Ann: "The more Christian you are, the less tolerant you would be prepostrous..."

Donny: "I should not...we should just throw Judaism away and we should all be Christians, then?"
Ann: "Yeah."
Donny: "Really?"
Ann: "Well, it's a lot easier. It's kind of a fast track."
Donny: "Really?"
Ann: "You have to obey."
Donny: "You can't possibly believe that? You can't possibly believe that. You're too educated..."
Ann: "Do you know what Christianity is? See, we believe your religion but you have to obey. We have the fast track program."

Donny ":sputtering:: Put you at the head of Iran. C'mon, you can't believe that."
Ann: "The head of Iran is not a Christian. I don't know if you've been paying attention."
Donny: "That's why Israel left the Arab World--no Jews?"
Ann: "Um...No, we think...we just want Jews to be perfected."

Ann: "We believe the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express."

Donny: "If Ann Coulter had any brains, she would not say Jews need to be perfected. I'm offended by that personally."

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